As he moved warily down the corridor, Balefire smiled at Skudge. "Never again, comrade, shall I underestimate you.  That was well done, and you have reminded me that size does not mean everything.  I salute you, fellow warrior." Skudge briefly grinned with pride at the compliment, but his expression quickly became serious again.  "Skudge smart.  Skudge tough, too.  But Vex not be beat by switch." The imp looked up at the big warmage, his eyes measuring the mercenary's huge, muscular frame, taking in the gleam of his Daedric armor, the flowing flame-like nimbus on his bared claymore's razor-keen edges, and the dimly glowing runes on the staff strapped across his masssive back.  His sensitive ears twitched at the evil-sounding keening emanating from the staff.  His gaze lingered on the dusky, scarred face and the smouldering crimson eyes. "You big, and tough."  He looked around at Tenaka and Zerith, taking in their grim martial meins.  "They tough, too.  Maybe you can beat Vex.  Just maybe.  Know soon."